Whoopsies are moulds that we have considered not suitable to sell as perfect moulds and are sold at a hugley discounted price
There are various reasons why we sell moulds as whoopsies such as....
mould has been used as a tester
small air bubbles
puckered edges
mishapen walls
and other inmperfections
These faults may not be visible in the photos. Unfortunately we are unable to show every single imperfection. Whoopsie moulds are purchased at the buyers own risk and no refunds or exchanged will be given. Whoopsie moulds are not cleaned and will not be trimmed of excess silicone.
These moulds can be heated to temperatures up to 200 degrees although I personally recommend around 100 degrees. Warming your moulds can help give a smoother, shinier finish to your bars although some pitting can still occur
A10 whoopsie mould bundle
For some countries, for example the USA, our shipping prices can be high. It may work out cheaper to use a forwarding company such as forward2me